Sunday, 17 October 2010

Saturday night vino in Madrid

Despite washing it all down with a raspberry daiqiri and a large rum n coke, white wine seems to be increasing in my list of favourite drinks again.
Unlike other drinks it is mixing well on a night out, such as yesterday, and proving to be a nice mellow start to the evening. The biggest bonus is the lack of hangover today, meaning that I can be super efficient - well as much as I ever am.
Last Sunday night, which was purely dedicated to wine testing and barhopping was an exception to this, so my enthusiasm for testing different drops has not curbed, but more in fact made me realize that professional wine testers stick to a few flavours and don't drink it all down for a reason!

For those that missed my first entry in the now-ditched blog, I'm writing about my personal experiences with a bottle or two. I'm (hopefully) not favouring any one colour over any other - no racism in my wine drinking towards the colour of the grape juice!

All comments about different grapes, flavours and bottles of the world are very welcome. Personally, I expect to be focusing more on the Spanish varieties as living in Spain means that I get little access to trying out new flavours from around the world nowadays.

Favourite drops over the years would definitely include an Australian unwooded Chardonnay as my favourite white, a red Burgundy from France and the top rosé option has gone from the girls cheap drinking choice of an Italian Lambrusco to the Spanish Peñascal, probably from where my palate has gone from medium through to drier flavours.

I'm no expert in wine drinking. I used to be far better at the activity than I am nowadays, but living in one of the top wine producing countries in the world, means that I am perfectly placed to share my appreciation of the Spanish grapes with the world.

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